General Terms
Research is undertaken based on the information supplied and no responsibility or liability can be held for any inaccuracies in this supplied information.
Research can only be undertaken using records that have survived and are available. The quality and accuracy of the records cannot be guaranteed.
Research sometimes produces no results or results that cannot be verified completely. This is due to various factors including missing records, illegibility, illiteracy, common names etc. Research time will still be charged as undertaken, even if no results are found.
The research report and copies of documents obtained are for personal use only and must not be reproduced in any way for commercial purposes. Any reports and charts produced by Family Roots Research are the copyright of Vanessa Christie.
Research data is held in confidence and will only be provided to the client commissioning the research unless written permission is given to pass information to another person.
The research contract can be cancelled at any time but any work already undertaken must be paid for in full.
Research beyond that agreed will not be undertaken without discussion and permission from the client.
Family Roots Research is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office and complies with the Data Protection Act, 1998.
Charges include:-
- Research and analysis
- Report writing and pedigree tree as per contract
- Client communication by any form
- Travel, as necessary, to local archives within a 20 miles radius of Family Roots Research business address, GU34 3NT
- Electronically supplied report and document copies
Expenses charged include:-
- Civil registration certificates obtained, charged at cost
- Obtaining digital images or photocopies of original documents, charged at cost
- Postage costs of documents and/or report, if required
- Travel costs to archives beyond the 20 miles radius stated above as included, charged at flat rate per mile of 0.45p (
Prior agreement will be obtained prior to the incurring of any additional expenses or costs.
Payment Details
Any prices quoted are in Pounds Sterling and payment can only be accepted in the same.
A non-refundable deposit of 25% may be required in advance depending on the research required and subject to discussion. Outstanding charges and expenses will be invoiced on completion of the work.
Payment may be made by BACS transfer or via Paypal. Cheques are accepted but no work will be started or reports/documents released until the cheque has cleared, unless otherwise agreed. Any costs incurred in relation to payment methods will be charged.
(N.B. Family Roots Research reserve the right to withhold reports and documents until the final invoice is paid).
Unless otherwise stated or agreed, it is assumed these terms and conditions are accepted once a contract for research has been made and any deposit paid.